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And the gears turn...


The Los Encinos faculty prepares students to become global thinkers and citizens, with a strong academic foundation and a passionate curiosity for learning. Teachers design and facilitate a broad range of experiences that engage students as critical thinkers and problem-solvers.

Our school-wide integrated curriculum is rich in the humanities and stresses teamwork and cooperation. Building character and mutual respect are emphasized daily in our classrooms and in our service learning program. A Los Encinos graduate welcomes the challenges of navigating an increasingly complex world and seeks to find their place in our community and beyond.

A Los Encinos student…

• Possesses core human values that reflect tolerance, compassion, and a sense of community responsibility;

• Communicates reciprocally, articulate effectively both orally and in writing;

• Listens thoughtfully, listens to and hears multiple perspectives, and enjoys an expansive vocabulary that promotes creative expression;

• Exhibits intellectual curiosity and critical thinking by seeking deeper levels of meaning, asking good questions, quantifying and analyzing, and discerning relevant information;

• Is motivated by a passion for learning to accept challenges, take risks, and learn from mistakes;

• Is a change agent who possesses the confidence and self-esteem to lead, to collaborate, and to follow.


Nothing is bigger than childhood. This is precisely why Los Encinos is a smaller school than most. We know life never gets more magnificent than this magical window of time, so we are committed to helping young children experience it fully. This means keeping our school small enough to deliver a vast education.

Big thinking, big opportunities, big fun – all made exceptionally possible by staying small.

Los Encinos is a close-knit learning community where everyone knows each other; where we honor diverse perspectives, cultures, and experiences, and value equity, inclusion, and justice; where cooperation and friendship span all grades; where students feel both safe and excited to take risks and try new things.

This is the power of small.

Around here we’re always open to creative and unconventional lessons, and we’re agile enough to adapt our learning strategies without bureaucratic delay. We work and play together like family. Unrestricted by rigid programmatic mandates, we have the freedom to transform education into a thrilling journey of personal experiences.

This is how the curiosity of children becomes a deep and lasting engagement with learning. Yes, it takes determination and bold vision to remain small in a world that instinctively praises “bigger” and “more.” But this is exactly our promise to you: the wondrous advantages of a small, keenly focused elementary school.

Because nothing is bigger than childhood, and to us, that’s what matters most.

Los Encinos School. Think Big. Start Small. 

Robotics in action.
And the gears turn...


The Los Encinos faculty prepares students to become global thinkers and citizens, with a strong academic foundation and a passionate curiosity for learning. Teachers design and facilitate a broad range of experiences that engage students as critical thinkers and problem-solvers.

Our school-wide integrated curriculum is rich in the humanities and stresses teamwork and cooperation. Building character and mutual respect are emphasized daily in our classrooms and in our service learning program. A Los Encinos graduate welcomes the challenges of navigating an increasingly complex world and seeks to find their place in our community and beyond.

A Los Encinos student…

• Possesses core human values that reflect tolerance, compassion, and a sense of community responsibility;

• Communicates reciprocally, articulate effectively both orally and in writing;

• Listens thoughtfully, listens to and hears multiple perspectives, and enjoys an expansive vocabulary that promotes creative expression;

• Exhibits intellectual curiosity and critical thinking by seeking deeper levels of meaning, asking good questions, quantifying and analyzing, and discerning relevant information;

• Is motivated by a passion for learning to accept challenges, take risks, and learn from mistakes;

• Is a change agent who possesses the confidence and self-esteem to lead, to collaborate, and to follow.


Nothing is bigger than childhood. This is precisely why Los Encinos is a smaller school than most. We know life never gets more magnificent than this magical window of time, so we are committed to helping young children experience it fully. This means keeping our school small enough to deliver a vast education.

Big thinking, big opportunities, big fun – all made exceptionally possible by staying small.

Los Encinos is a close-knit learning community where everyone knows each other; where we honor diverse perspectives, cultures, and experiences, and value equity, inclusion, and justice; where cooperation and friendship span all grades; where students feel both safe and excited to take risks and try new things.

This is the power of small.

Around here we’re always open to creative and unconventional lessons, and we’re agile enough to adapt our learning strategies without bureaucratic delay. We work and play together like family. Unrestricted by rigid programmatic mandates, we have the freedom to transform education into a thrilling journey of personal experiences.

This is how the curiosity of children becomes a deep and lasting engagement with learning. Yes, it takes determination and bold vision to remain small in a world that instinctively praises “bigger” and “more.” But this is exactly our promise to you: the wondrous advantages of a small, keenly focused elementary school.

Because nothing is bigger than childhood, and to us, that’s what matters most.

Los Encinos School. Think Big. Start Small. 

Robotics in action.