News Item Submitted by Pollacks, Trojans & Rathers


A little SUNDAY MUSIC CONCERT for the end of Summer!!!

Congrats to SAM, TAJ, OLIVER & HARRY for killing it today…another online concert out on the interweb for your enjoyment ))) Thanks to Join the Band and all their teachers for keeping music in our lives! Here’s the link:


BAND NAME: Dilly Dilly
This is SET 1…they have 3 songs mixed throughout the show…here are the exact times if you just want to fast forward 😉 
1. First song of this set is DILLY DILLY playing “I Don’t Care”
2. “Can’t Stop” (25:30)
3. “Rhiannon” (47:30)
Boys are coming up with some more dynamic ideas for videos for the next concert…MTV style!!!

ENJOY!!! And please like the the Youtube link & subscribe for future concerts…THANKS!!